Spiritual warfare

As I started leading a prayer group in Frankfurt I was literally shocked by how little we (christians) know about spiritual warfare and how paralysed we can get facing the darkness. So I choose this topic as the first one to dig into deeper, to learn, to practise, to encourage others to fight more effectively. As I was pondering why this comes so naturally to me and how to help others, the Lord told me, that I was well trained as a kid. First I did not have a clue what He meant, but soon I got it!  

Our dad's passion were dogs. We grew up with them. Dogs of different sizes, characters, needs. From Great Danes to Chihuahuas. But mostly I learned by training and caring for Dogo Argentino. They are considered to be in the 5 most dangerous and agressive dog-species. They are predators, strongheaded, insensitive, but pretty predictable. Dad told us all over again - dogs can sense your fear. They will only attack you, if you show them your fear. You are the master of the situation. Always. In every circumstance. You give them commands, not the other way around. He taught me about their instincts, he taught me how past experiences are imprinted in their memories and cause them to react the way they do. He also taught me about their strengths and weaknesses. I learned they can smell things I cannot smell, but I can see things they are not able to see. He taught me to observe them closely and to react quickly to the change of their behaviour. He showed me how to immobilize them with little effort. Actually apart from my dad I was the only one in the family (at the age of 14) able to handle them. Because he trained me. He used to say that having such a dog is like having a gun. You need a solid training.

Years later it amazes me, how many important facts about spiritual battle I have learned from this. I would say Christians are mostly not aware of three things. First, how fear is inviting the evil to attack. It works like magnet for the forces of darkness. Because there is no fear in perfect Love. So if you fear, you forgot about His perfect Love for you.  Secondly, we are not being cautious about our behaviour, reactions and the words we say.. There is tremendous power in your words! Not only WHAT you say, but also HOW you say it. With authority. From ABOVE. To dogs I always spoke from above. Even as a small kid. They obeyed me, because they knew who I was and if they would not, my dad himself would deal with them.  The third crucial thing is discernment. There were many people trying to convince me, that discernment is a special gift, not for everyone. No! Up to the level of your authority, you have to be able to discern! Otherwise you will not survive, or will be wounded badly. And this is certainly not what Papa wants for His children. Once we were praying for a few people who were clearly under a demonic influence. The leader of the group tried to encourage us with the words: Oh, do not worry, they are just few small dogs! Not discerning or underestimating our enemy never pays off. The people left the way they came and it broke my heart. You have to know if you are dealing with a Chihuahua or a Great Dane! Your approach and strategy will be completely different!

Spiritually we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus, and if we realise and practise this, we will speak with authority of Heaven. Imagine.. There is no discussion between the light and the darkness..  So speak from above and let there be light!
