Creative Love

God, the Creator. He is the most creative Person ever. And we are His creation, so I believe we are also meant to be creative, all of us. To some extend at least. I remember once I questioned God´s creativity. It was during a conference, testimony time, one man on the stage talked about a vision he had earlier that day. As he was describing it, I almost stopped breathing! The exact same Picture (me laying on a golden altar and burning like a living sacrifice for God) I received some time ago in Israel. I actually thought it was so unique, that it really shocked me that He gave someone else the exact same vision. I was disappointed. I asked God why He didn´t give him a different picture, I thought He speaks to us individually. I said I am sure He has enough creativity to come up with something new. ,,Yes I do, but I am limited by your human imagination and interpretation of symbols."
Oh, that made sense. It hit me, that God still speaks to us, even though He must adjust His language to our understanding. That He makes sure that we will get it! That He does not show off in His rethorical skills, but He wants us to get the message. He always spoke that way, throughout the Bible, Jesus used parables to explain spiritual truths and revelations using pictures and symbols that were familiar to people of that time - f.e. the parable about a prodigal son, lost sheep or coin, unforgiving servant, different stories regarding widows or talents. People understood and could relate to this.
God still speaks this way today to His children. I realised He speaks similarly to my patients. For some of them He gives me words of knowledge or encouragement, short testimonies, some receive Father´s Love Letter. In a safe atmosphere others are simply hugged, for many it is joy and laughter, supernatural discernment of complications, practical gifts, or driving one patient after collapsing back home. My favourite is showing them their own heart in ultrasound and reassuring them, that their hearts are healed, strong and full of life.
God sees us, He knows and loves my patients more than I do. But when I listen to Him, He reveals things and when I obey, people are touched. I believe people are tired of empty words, they need to see Love manifested, in a concrete deed. It can be a smile, a loving embrace, a helping hand. We owe people an encounter with a living God, that´s why I pray every morning, that the Spirit will show and teach me new things, because there is still so much to discover. I pray that I will be so full of God, that they will see Him in my eyes, in my face. That they will hear Him as I talk to them, that they will feel Him as I touch them. Because I believe, when they see Him as He really is, they will not be able to resist Him. My only responsibility is to be so full of Him that His Love will overflow to them. That means inviting and allowing the Holy Spirit to move freely in my workplace. I promise, that will change your work-life. There is nothing more exciting as learning new things directly from Him and then putting them into practise right away and seeing the fruit. You were made for this and nothing less! To see the fruit of the Spirit appearing all around you! What a joy, what a life!
