Steady Love

Do you know a person, who acts always the same? Regardless his/her own moods, hardships or circumstances? Person who is really steady? It is not easy with so many things going on around.. We often react in a way that we regret later on.

Apostle Paul in 1. Corinthean chapter 3 says: „We are fools for Christ, but you are so wise in Christ! We are weak, but you are so strong! You are honored, we are dishonored! We are thirsty and hungry, in rags, brutally treated, homeless. We work hard with our hands. When we are cursed, we bless, when we are persecuted, we endure it, when we are slandered, we answer kindly. We have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world - right up to this moment." How could they do this? I believe because they loved Jesus and they witnessed His steadfast love for them, that even death could not stop.

I am a very active person, even my boss used to laugh (in a good way) about my 'hyperactivity' as he called it. I looove to move, in physical and in spiritual as well. So it was pretty tricky, when God told me in the midst of the difficulties to stand firm. To stand??? Lord, I will die!! There must be something I can do!

But He insisted, that it is time to stand on the promises I have already received, stand on the ground I have already taken and stand in the relationships I have built up so far. Do not back up, do not move, not yet. Just stand, be steady. Oaahh!!  In 1.Cor 15:58 Paul encourages the believers: Stand firm, let nothing move you.  And in 2.Cor 1:24 he adds: because it is by faith you stand firm.
His whole life Jesus was holding on to the original plan - Father's will. Threats and insults did not move Him, mockery and whipping did not make Him change His mind. There is no place that Jesus did not go to before you, no situation that He did not have to endure, no feeling that He was not confronted with and no battle that He has not already victoriously overcome!

The question from Luke 18, 8 resonates in my mind: „When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?“ When we have faith in His love, when we trust Him, that He knows what He is doing, when we believe, that He is never going to forsake us, we will be able to stand firm in the midst of the raging storms. 
