His name

I love the prophecy about a faceless and nameless generation. I really believe that time of „big names“ ministries is coming to an end and instead thousands of „little ones“ will rise and carry His light, that will shine so brightly, that their faces will not be recognised. Beautiful invitation and I said Yes! to it. But recently I just realised, how much more my mind has to be renewed in order not to be hurt or offended when treated like one without face and name. To be able to completely give up this need to be „known by people“ and be content in the fact, that He knows me. Not being offended when people are attracted to me because of the light, not because of my personality. Realising that they don´t even have to like me, but still they will be able to see the light shinig through me.

As I was telling the Lord about my struggle being nameless and faceless, He asked me a simple question: „Do you want My name?“ At that moment I knew, that only if I give up my old name, all the rests of my old identity, I can receive His name. I will not be nameless, I will be carrying His name. What a privilege!

It´s like when a girl gets married and she takes the name of her husband. In slavic nations women have this -ova suffix at the end of their last names. It indicates that they belong to the man, whose name they are carrying. So the girl belongs to her father until she marries and then changes her name and from then on she belongs to her husband. Before that I didn´t like that -ova at the end of my name, I thought it made it just longer and more difficult to spell. But now I love it!

So I asked specifically, what my new name would be and He said: „You are Mine.“  So for me, it was clear. His last name is Christ, so I would be Christova, or in slovak Kristova. I am His. It is so simple.

Church is Christ´s Bride on a corporate level, but it consists of many individual brides, who choose Him and accept His name. God is proclaiming through words and life of prophet Hosea in chapter 2 vers 19: „I will betroth you to me forever, I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion.“ Or I will make you my wife forever, as some translations say. Am I ready to leave my father´s house, my old life, my old thinking and become one with Him?
