First Love

This is a story about two people who once fell in love deeply, got married and started living together. At the beginning everything was pretty exciting, but after few years.. well, everyday life came up..

Today, in the morning she is not awakened by his kiss anymore, but by the loudest alarm clock you could find in the house. She immediately rushes to the bathroom and makes herself pretty for the world out there. Meanwhile her loving husband has prepared a breakfast for both of them and is sitting at the table, waiting for her to join him. But she just grabs her coffee, drinks it while she is putting on her shoes, and leaves the house with the words: ,,Sorry darling, I have to go, or I will be late for work."

During the day she is so caught up with her tasks, that she doesn't even hear her phone ringing.. her husband trying to reach her. When she does find a second, she tells him, she will call him back, but she never does..

After work there is always an important meeting or at least a dinner with somebody who is important. So when she finally comes home, she finds everything beautifully prepared for a romantic dinner, her husband patiently waiting. But she says: ,,Honey, I am sorry, but I have already eaten and I am really tired. I'll make it up to you tomorrow, good night." The next day it starts all over again...

Let' be honest. I have been there. Isn't this the way we - Christians, the Church treat Jesus most of our days? Do we really spend time sitting, talking and eating with Him? Do we listen to what He wants to tell us every day? Do we care about His feelings, thoughts, secrets of His heart? Or did we fall into a trap called cold love?

Jesus calls Himself a Bridegroom and the Church is His Bride. Why not Husband and Wife? Because with Him we can permanently stay in this phase of the relationship, when we are being completely overwhelmed by who He is, craving constantly for the presence of the One we love. Everything is exciting as we discover more about Him and His family, and we keep our expectations high every day. And it will never get boring because He is limitless, His love is neverending and only He defines who we really are in Him. 

Lord, please give me a soft heart, that will respond everytime You talk to me, everytime You smile at me, everytime You touch me, everytime You look at me, everytime You ask me to do something. Holy Spirit, help me to respond in a way that is pleasing to Him, in a way that is worthy of the King of Kings. 
