
As I was doing my tae-bo workout today, I remembered how I did this for the first time years ago. I couldn´t sleep after the night shift in a hospital, my mind was absolutely exhausted, but my body war still quite fresh. So I thought to get it balanced, I will do some exercise to tire my body as well. Searched for a while on youtube and found a dynamic tae-bo workout with a good-looking Billy Blanks 😊 I was determined to finish the 45min cardio workout. And I did! After that I collapsed to the ground, my heart still pounding violently, was no table to stan dup, thinking my last hour came. After a while I was still alive, so I pulled myself together and stood up on my shaking legs, took a shower and went straight to bed. The next day it felt like all of my app. 650 muscles decided to take a revenge and hurting me by every movement, by each step I took. But somehow my mind was peaceful. So I decided to do the workouts on regular basis, and as time went on I felt stronger, could endure much more, had more energy and more joyful attitude. Even muscles I didn´t know I had started appearing, actually my body changed a lot.

Lord showed me, that it is the same with our spirit man. Our spirit also has to be trained, strengthened. At the beginning it may feel impossible, how can we live a holy, righteous life? How can we be like Jesus? We think it´s impossible! But when we sign up for the Holy Spirit workout school, He will coach us, He will guide us. With working out the most important thing is to do it on regular basis.

As your body, your spirit has to be fed. With spiritual food, which is the Word of God, reading the bible every day. As Jesus was tempted in the desert He said: „Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matt 4:4  Our spirit ist being fed with God´s words, listening and accepting His truths. That´s the first part, and then you stan dup and exercise these truths in your own life. You learn how to move in the spirit, how to go further, how to mature BY DOING the will of God. You may sometimes make funny moves, may get out of the rhythm, even stumble and fall as you exercise forgiveness, generosity, love, kindness, humility, patience, purity, gratitude in your everyday life. But you can always start over, exercising to the best of your abilities. If you repeat the exercises long enough, the movements become natural to you, so you can do the punches and kicks without much thinking. If you don´t give up and exercise regularly, you will create certain spiritual habits. It will eventually feel easy and normal to react with love, peace, kindness and humility. But you have to follow your coach, the Holy Spirit was sent to us to guide us, teach us and to lead us in all truth. If you want to get stronger spiritually, you will do what the Holy Spirit is telling you to do. And you´d better do it right away, as soon as you hear the instructions. Imagine your coach in a gym telling you to do some specific exercise and you start discussing with him why that´s not the best idea. That you would rather skipp the whole warm-up and go straight to weight lifting. What would the reaction of the coach be? I guess after few minutes he would tell you that if you don´t follow his instructions it is no point of him being there and he would probably walk away.

And so many Christians are wondering why they don´t hear the voice of the Lord?! It´s never too late to get signed up for the training, but be prepared that you will hear some instructions that are not easy, not highly valued by our society, instructions to let some things go, to step outside your comfort zone. If you trust your coach you will stay focused and the outcome will be worth it. You will start to walk in the Spirit, that means your body and soul will submit to the leading of the spirit. That´s how Jesus lived! And He knew we will need help to get there and that´s why He sent us the Holy Spirit. He is so gentle, He is so beautiful, He knows everything about everything 😊

Gal 5:16: Walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.
Gal 5:22-25: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit
