Childlike faith

I love to spend time with kids. Their worldview is so uncomplicated, so pure, so open. They are always ready to discover new things, never too tired or unmotivated for a new adventure. Recently I visited a good friend of mine in Frankfurt. She had to pick her 4 year old son from kindergarten earlier that day because he was sick. When I arrived, he was sound asleep with fever of 39.5 °C, already treated with some Paracetamol. My friend was overwhelmed, their pediatritian was in holidays, her partner was in London, she had an important meeting in her workplace the following day and in two days they were planning to travel back home to Slovakia to join their family for Eastern.  As soon as I came, the little one woke up and called out my name. I came to him, hold him shortly, examined his throat, prayed over and blessed him in spirit. In about half an hour he was fully awake, in a good mood, playing and enjoying himself. The fever was gone and it did not come back. Not even the next day, when I was babysitting him, so his mum could go to work.

We had such a good time together. After watching some cartoons, I took his Bible for kids  and started reading with him. He was fascinated by the pictures and on every page he would point out his finger to a leader figure – like Adam, Moses, David, Daniel, Peter, Paul – and shouted: „That´s me! That´s me!” Funnily he didn´t say that looking at the picture of Jonas swallowed by a whale. He was captivated by the stories, absolutely fascinated by apostels – fishermen (right now his life is all about pirates!) and mainly by Peter walking on the water, and started shouting again: „That´s me! That´s me!” He never saw a pirate doing this, not even in a movie or a picture! It is so refreshing to be with kids, to see their enthusiasmus about new things, thein non-judgemental approach, their hunger to learn. In Matthew 18:3 Jesus said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

What this boy taught me was so precious. These little children deep inside their hearts have already the desire to rule, to lead, to experience the supernatural. They DO BELIEVE, that they can lead their nation into the promised land, that they can be protected by angels from lions and fire, that they can fight the Goliath with a sling, that a man can survive three days inside a whale, when God wants to use him for His purpose, that even walking on water is possible. They believe it ALL. When we finished the last story in his Bible, he turned to the first page and commanded: „Once again!” My heart melted.. the Presence of God was so tangible. And then he repeated for a few times: „You are my mum!” I know, that he knows who his mum is very well and he didn´t forget that for a second, but he also sensed something else. There is yet another family than our earthly family. God´s family! And indeed, I feel the privilage to be his spiritual mom, what a joy!

At the age of four he already sensed two most important spiritual truths! God created us to be His family in the first place. It is beautiful to see people from all over the world, with completely different backgrounds to come together in Him. The concept of family is so profound. Believers´ identities are not church members, pastors, worship leaders, serviceteam or project partners. We are all sisters and brothers, mamas and papas, sons and daughters, cousins, aunties and uncles. And secondly we were created to rule with Him! Forever! As 2.Timothy 2:12 says: If we endure, we will also reign with Him. If we disown Him, He will also disown us.
