First fruits
There must be more! There has to be a way,
how to bring Jesus more into my work-life! I was tired of these two
identities: the better me, having a great time with Him at home,
worshipping and fellowshipping with Him in the christian settings, and then the
other me in my workplace. Often stressed, impatient, critisizing my
colleagues.. My problem was not to admit, that I am a Christian, but
in a hectic schedule I often found myself in a survivor-modus. I
was just focused on completing one task after another, it felt like
I don´t have any time LEFT to think or speak about Jesus. Mostly at the
end of the day I was just relieved, that all my patients in the intensive
care unit survived.. And one more thing: I was in a german
environment. I didn´t grow up here, I didn´t study here and
I still didn´t master the language perfectly. I felt unprepared,
didn´t understand the cultural differences, had to learn by doing.
After being promoted I found myself
leading a small outpatient department in a hospital and I knew
I was given an authority over this place, not only professionally but also
spiritually. So I wanted to steward wisely what I was given.
Luckily our pastor had an experience of working
as an attendant in a hospital, so I asked Him how can I bring
Jesus to my workplace, how can I start praying for my patients, how can
I cope with the cultural differences. And what he replied, changed my
life: „You cannot walk into the hospital unprepared. You should wake up one
hour earlier, let the Holy Spirit fill you FIRST thing in the morning, pray,
worship, stay in His Word. Ask Him specifically what He wants to do through you
that day, so when you will face the situation or the person, you will be
prepared and you will know what to do.“ I thanked him for the great
advice, but inside I thought, well, now you have to start getting up at
5am instead of 6am! Great! But I was curious, I wanted to check it
out! It wasn´t easy, first I managed to wake up early maybe twice a week,
then every other day, but after few weeks I noticed something remarkable.
The days I woke up earlier were so much better! I started to feel,
that I don´t want to spend the days in my old routine. What I was
experiencing was so exciting, refreshing, full of life and joy. I COULDN´T
WAIT to wake up, and mostly woke up spontaneously even before 5am. First thing
in the morning I invited the Holy Spirit and asked Him to read my Bible
with me and to teach me, reveal me the secrets of God´s Heart. And the Word
came alive! It felt like I am listening to Jesus, the words speaking right
into my life, was embracing brand new truths.
After about half an hour I started to pray, by then the room was
saturated with His Presence and I was just giving Him my day, my hands, my
mind, my thoughts, my emotions, my mouth, my ears. Sometimes I saw
different faces, some of them related to my workplace, some of them not,
sometimes He just reminded me to be patient or kind. Other times I experienced
beautiful outpouring of His Peace, that was thick like an oil, and I knew
no matter what happens that day I will not loose my temper nor my focus.
On my way to hospital I was worshipping,
singing loud in my car, and when I finally entered my department
I was not alone. The Presence of God entered with me. I usually came
a bit earlier, so we had FIRST some extra time with my nurses to
chat. Mostly I shared some recent Jesus stories, and I was surprised
how open and hungry they were! They always wanted to hear some more and later
I found out they were sharing the stories with their colleaques and
friends. Our patients started to feel the atmosphere shift as well. They
started saying: Oh, it is so good and friendly here, we are looking forward for
the next check-up. Christians often started to talk about their faith spontaneously,
one lady felt an incredible strength coming out of me while I was doing an
ultrasound, another man saw my face glowing while I was checking
his pacemaker. I was concentrated on the examinations and completely
unaware of what they were experiencing. I made a habit of asking the
Holy Spirit what to do when I wasn´t sure, and He always provided the
perfect answer. He taught me a lot about lies, that my patients believed
in, and so I could simply speak the opposite – the truths into their
lives. I learned that we are interacting with people not only on
a body- and soul-level, but also on a spirit-level. Every human being
has a spirit. We were created in His image! And even if that spirit is
malnourished, weak or slumbers, it is still there! So that short time
I had with my patients I learned to keep an eye-contact, talking to
them, but also praying silently, adressing the Spiritman inside of them. Most
of the time they were the words of life, encouragement, hope, reassuring them
that they do matter, that they do have a destiny to fullfill, many times
convincing them that their heart is healthy (I am a cardiologist), that it
is their soul that needs healing, that they should take better care of
themselves and enjoy what they have more. Well, the inspiration of Holy Spirit
has no limit! My reward was seeing these people leaving my office with a big
smile on their face, with a hope, that it is never too late for a new
Proverbs 18:21 says:
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and
those who love it will eat its fruits.
I was and
I am amazed of the fruits that come from spending time with Him as
a first thing in the morning. I am convinced, that there is
a special anointing in the first hours of our days. The Lord reminded me
of the concept of tithing. It is familiar to us mainly from the financial
perspective. I do believe, that we should tithe also our time to God.
Let´s be honest, time is in our western culture often more precious than money.
We should tithe the land (Lev 27:30), the herd or the flock (Lev 27:32),
dedicate the firstborns to the Lord, tithe our grain, new wine, oil (Deut 14:
23). Then why not TIME? In Deuteronomy 26:2 stands: take some of the
FIRSTFRUITS.. It never worked, when I was trying to give the Lord the
rests of my time, the rests of my energy, the rests of my day.. But as soon as
I started giving Him the firstfruits, first hour of my day, He honoured it
in the most extravagant way. Tithing sets something free and you will end up
wanting to give Him EVERYTHING! And that is exactly what God is asking for:
your WHOLE heart, your WHOLE mind, ALL of your days, ALL of your money, ALL of your
abilities. Because He wants you to be completely HIS, He is actually waiting
for you to come to Him right now! How will you respond to His invitation?
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