
Showing posts from May, 2017

First fruits

There must be more! There has to be a way, how to bring Jesus more into my work-life! I was tired of these two identities: the better me, having a great time with Him at home, worshipping and fellowshipping with Him in the christian settings, and then the other me in my workplace. Often stressed, impatient, critisizing my colleagues.. My problem was not to admit, that I am a Christian, but in a hectic schedule I often found myself in a survivor-modus. I was just focused on completing one task after another, it felt like I don´t have any time LEFT to think or speak about Jesus. Mostly at the end of the day I was just relieved, that all my patients in the intensive care unit survived.. And one more thing: I was in a german environment. I didn´t grow up here, I didn´t study here and I still didn´t master the language perfectly. I felt unprepared, didn´t understand the cultural differences, had to learn by doi...

Fasting (Healing IV)

That´s not possible! Getting the sixth flu in the row! From November till March it felt I was constantly sick. Just when I felt the symptoms are leaving, was regaining strength, was looking forward to do sports again, bang! Another flu, with sore throat, voice loss, running nose and endless coughing.. Lord, for 5 months, seriously? It´s exhausting, You know, right? But I refused to slow down, I was travelling, I had meetings, I worked really hard.. I was determined not to give up on anything that I was meant to do! But I got tired, overwhelmed, my joy faded more and more. What am I doing wrong, Lord? „ Start fasting for 40 days” was the response I got. WHAT? I couldn´t believe it! Fasting, now? I am sick! I need a good diet, lot of vitamins, at least I could be spoiled with food... But I learned not to debate with the Lord when He says something. OK, I will obey. I will fast, but if I collapse or get worse, You will be responsible. So I started fasting, drinking just water an...

My Word (Healing III)

Lord gave me a beautiful lesson while enjoying my trip in England. After taking a walk alongside windy seashore, the next morning I woke up with a stabbing pain and blurred vision in my left eye. I checked it in the mirror, and no doubt, it was inflamed. Something similar happened to me 4 years ago and it was treated for almost 3weeks with a corticoid eye-drops and regular check-ups to make sure that the cornea will not be damaged. Great, just the beginning of my trip! Lord, I am not going to the doctors here, it is too complicated.. But what do I do? „You have the corticoid pills with you” I heard. And I knew 20mg for three days will be ok. Not sure what pills I had with me, I discovered I did have 20mg Prednisolon (packed at least a year ago) in my cosmetic bag. Thank You, Jesus! Not exaggerating, 30 minutes after taking the first pill the symptoms disappeared. I couldn´t believe it! Three days long, one pill a day and everything was fine. Just at the end of my stay the symp...

Warts and hypophysis (Healing II)

The next healing story I want to share is supernatural. Many years I was troubled by warts on my feet. Together with my colleagues we tried different methods to get rid of them, but nothing really worked. It was just getting worse, no matter what I did. Finally I lost my patience with any further treatments and ended up trying to ignore the pain. Until I heard one of my friends sharing a story of another friend, who was healed from warts just by praying one word over them every day. The word was Grace. At that moment I knew this is for me, I took this testimony in faith for myself! But because at that time I was in Africa, having a very intense time with the Lord anyway, I decided I will pray when I get back home. And I did pray, every night just before falling asleep, I touched the area and said Grace, grace. Twice, just to be sure. Few weeks passed and one day I realised, that I didn´t feel the familiar pain anymore. So I checked, and the warts were gone! All of them! Comp...

I can see! (Healing I)

To me supernatural healing is an area of neverending exploration, filled with so many mysteries still to be searched out. I love all the different ways God can use to heal people and it keeps amazing me every time I see it. There are many stories to tell, but I would like to start with my own personal healing-stories. I always thought, that a proper scientist should first try the method for himself before using it on patients. My first personal healing was not really one of the great supernatural healing miracles, but despite of it, for me it is the biggest miracle ever! I have had a poor eye-sight since my childhood, it was accidentally discovered while undergoing a preventive check-up in school, when I was 8 years old. At that time I was diagnosed with a shortsightedness with about -4 diopter.. Everyone was wondering how could I get along so far, doing well in the school,  not injurying myself, never complainig.. Well, I thought it was normal, I ...