We live in a society, that teaches us from an early age: „You have the right to .. You have the right to be treated fairly, to be well educated, to say your opinion anytime, to have a good life, you have the right to do with your life what you want to.” As I started working in Germany, there seemed to be something I couldn´t understand. Caring about patients that received the best, up-to date medical care, were treated right and mostly with very good results, but despite of this they seemed to be unhappy.. Even when they got the best one-bed room in the hospital, newspapers were brought to their rooms, family could visit them anytime and the personal was very friendly and kind. One patient even wanted a guarantee from our professor, that her heart condition will not reappear! One day I grabbed a medical magazine and on the front page it said: „All patients have right to be healthy!” That shocked me. Do they really mean that? How about all t...