Yesterday after work I took a short nap. I didn't expect to have such a vivid dream... I was trying to escape from some people when I saw an old village house, so I went in to find refuge here. Unexpectedly I found my grandmother from my mum's side in there. Our precious Nagyi (short version of hungarian nagymama - grandmother). We didn't really talk, she just took me into her arms and I felt her love comforting me. In that moment everything vanished, I was just being loved with her pure heart perfected in God's Presence that was so tangible. I wanted to stay there forever. In this absolute Love. But I felt she communicated without words that it is time for me to go. I slowly woke up terribly missing that Love. I could't help myself, I was sobbing uncontrollably for about half an hour. And even now, as I am writing this, tears are streaming down my face. Everybody who knew her would understand. Our Nagyi was really the foundation, the rock of our family. She...