
Showing posts from November, 2017

Your name

John 20: Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed. She came running in panick to Peter, probably shouting and crying: „They have taken the Lord out of the tomb and we don´t know where they have put Him!” Peter and John checked it out for themselves and could confirm, that the body of Jesus disappeared. Then they went back to where they were staying. But Mary stayed outside the tomb. Crying, weeping, interpreting the situation in her own way. Somebody has stolen the body of her beloved Jesus, so now they cannot even bury Him according to their customs. Pain, dispair, loneliness. As she wept, she saw two angels in the tomb, seated where Jesus´ body had been. She even started talking to them, but her heart was not moved. Then Jesus appears and starts talking to her, but she thought He was the gardener and told Him her version of the story once again. Then Jesus said to her: „Mary.” She turned towards Him and cried out: „Rabboni! (Teacher!)” Her eyes we...

Spirit of adoption

My friend´s mum died because of alcohol abuse before she turned 20. My dad committed suicide when I was 22. Mum of my very close friend died because of breast cancer. Three of my good friends lost both of their parents before they turned 35. Other friend´s dad died because of brain tumour while she was still studying at the university, another friend´s dad died prematurely because of leucaemia. My cousin died in a car accident leaving two boys behind. And the list goes on and on. This is my generation. People in their thirties, who had to mature very quickly and overtook a role of their missing parent to a certain extent. We have been brutally robbed! There is an incredible pain in losing a person, who loved you right from the beginning, deeply and unconditionally. Surely this is a part of the strategy of the evil one to weaken, discourage, depress and intimidate us. We cannot bring those loved ones back, but we determine how we react to this. Are we going to ...


As I was doing my tae-bo workout today, I remembered how I did this for the first time years ago. I couldn´t sleep after the night shift in a hospital, my mind was absolutely exhausted, but my body war still quite fresh. So I thought to get it balanced, I will do some exercise to tire my body as well. Searched for a while on youtube and found a dynamic tae-bo workout with a good-looking Billy Blanks 😊 I was determined to finish the 45min cardio workout. And I did! After that I collapsed to the ground, my heart still pounding violently, was no table to stan dup, thinking my last hour came. After a while I was still alive, so I pulled myself together and stood up on my shaking legs, took a shower and went straight to bed. The next day it felt like all of my app. 650 muscles decided to take a revenge and hurting me by every movement, by each step I took. But somehow my mind was peaceful. So I...


His Love for us is always greater than we can comprehend, more generous than we even dare to imagine. Last Easter my best friend and me visited Nepal. I thought that my heart was already healed from the loss of my father, but I was just about to find out more. There was a conference running in Kathmandu with a prophetess from Australia. The teachings about sonship, first and second Adam, seven Spirits of God were deep and powerful, we realised how hungry our spirits were, craving for so much more of His truths. The last day of the conference the main speaker claimed, that she can take us to heaven. To be honest, I was scepticall, but well, I learned, that God can always surprise me. So I did what she said and imagined myself being home in the kitchen and hearing a knock on the door. First my soul screamed: „Nooo! That´s all wrong!” Because kitchen is my most common place to meet and talk with Jesus. He IS a...